CSS Matrix3d Z coordinate and Chrome Issue

I was playing around with Wink Toolkit’s Tag Cloud control and came across an interesting issue with Chrome and the CSS3 matrix3d transform function. In order for the z coordinate to work properly in the matrix3d parameters, you’ll need to set the parent element’s -webkit-transform-style property to preserve-3d. The following example …

Modifications to Cubiq dot org’s Spinning Wheel Control (Updated)

Working with the UIPickerView isn’t too bad, but if you’d rather work with cool web technology like CSS3, then this control’s for you. Plus it gives you a nice basis for a very customizable picker control.  UPDATE 09-21-2012: The demo stopped working and I suspect it has something to do …

Find an Element’s Position Using Javascript

I went through quite a few Google searches trying to figure this out. My problem was that I needed to get the coordinate of a touch event relative to the top left corner of an element. However, the TouchEvent object doesn’t have the offsetX or offsetY, which, in contrast, the MouseEvent …

Show Oracle Locks

If you’re having issues with locks in Oracle, here’s a way to show what sessions have locks on which objects. select s.osuser “O/S-User”,   s.username “Ora-User”,   s.sid “Session-ID”,   s.serial# “Serial”,   s.process “Process-ID”,   s.status “Status”,   l.name “Obj Locked”,   l.mode_held “Lock Mode”,   count(*) from v$session s, dba_dml_locks l, v$process p where l.session_id = …

Show Hidden Files in Mountain Lion

This should be an option that’s available through the Finder preferences, but it’s not. Odd. Anyway, here’s how to do it. Open up a shell and run the following command: defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles YES To undo: defaults write com.apple.Finder AppleShowAllFiles NO To check to see if the option is …