How to Get the Current Script’s Parent in Javascript

The following is a method of getting the current script’s parent, which may be useful if, for example, you need to append HTML in the same location as the script: var scripts = document.getElementsByTagName(‘script’); parent = scripts[scripts.length – 1].parentNode; The above code maintains the assumption that the currently executing script …

Javascript Object Class Literal vs. Constructor

Something I dug up while learning Javascript a long, long while ago. Here’s is an interesting article on the differences between a literal class declaration and a constructor. Essentially, the main difference is that with a literal class declaration, the object itself as well as its properties and methods are …

WordPress Disqus Popular Threads Widget Using Pure Javascript (Updated)

WpDisqusPt, or WordPress Disqus Popular Threads Widget, is a small script that you can drop into a Text Widget in WordPress. This widget shows which threads on your site are the most commented on, similar to Engadget’s old Most Commented widget. UPDATE 04-12-2013: WpDisqusPt is now on GitHub! UPDATE …

Create an Extensible Object in Javascript

There’s a whole mess of ways to accomplish this (see this article). Obviously, YMMV, but I chose this route for one simple reason: it makes sense to me. Anyhow, here’s a method of creating an extensible object in Javascript. var theObject = function (config) {   this.exProperty = “”;   this.exFunction = …