How to Configure AnyTerm Web-based SSH on Ubuntu

Anyterm provides a web-based SSH interface that would allow you to, for example, access your internal system using SSH via a web page. Configuration is straightforward, but will require compiling the Anyterm source. In order to download the source, you’ll need Subversion. Download Anyterm ( into a directory called anyterm …

Javascript Workers: An Ajax Example With Callback

I was browsing the Internet one day looking for a conference I could possibly attend regarding web technologies. I came across a certain conference that caught my eye which talked about Javascript workers. To be honest, I’ve never used workers or had any experience with multi-threaded web programming, but, after …

WPTouch 3.1.1 Search and Menu Buttons Bug Fixes

Using WPTouch 3.1.1? Are the search and menu buttons not working in the mobile view? Just add the following in the Branding | Theme Footer section under Theme Settings: <script type=”text/javascript”> jQuery(‘#search-toggle’).off(); jQuery(‘#search-toggle’).on(‘touchend’, function (e) { jQuery(‘#search-dropper’).toggleClass(‘toggled’); }); jQuery(‘#menu-toggle’).off(); jQuery(‘#menu-toggle’).on(‘touchend’, function (e) { jQuery(‘#menu’).webkitSlideToggle(); }); </script>

Pure Javascript DOM Ready

Yet another a pure Javascript DOM Ready option. The concept was gathered from many options that were considered (in particular from Stackoverflow), which resulted in the below code: (function(f){var t=setInterval(function(){if(document.readyState==”complete”){clearInterval(t);f();}},9);})(); Features: Javascript library independant. Doesn’t pollute global scope. That’s it. 🙂 Usage: var f = function(){ alert(‘Hello, World!’); }; (function(f){var …

How to Change the Default PriceList or Currency in CRM 2011

Add the following code within a web resource: function setPriceList() { //Create an array to set as the DataValue for the lookup control. var lookupData = new Array(); //Create an Object add to the array. var lookupItem= new Object(); //Set the id, typename, and name properties to the object. …

Re-trigger a Backbone.js Route

Routes are an easy way to link URLs to execute specific Javascript code. This could be useful, for example, for defining specific tasks for your app: In the above example, you could have the route show-so-details map to a specific javascript function in your code that would show more …