MS CRM 2011: How to Access a Report Via URL

If you need to access a Microsoft CRM 2011 report via a URL, you’ll need to do the following:

  1. Publish the report for external use:
  2. Go to your SSRS Report Manager (https://<server_name>/Reports).
  3. Navigate to your published report. Click on the drop down and select Manage:
  4. Click on Parameters. Here you can see which parameters you could filter the report on. In my case, since I was working with the Quotes Entity, I used the P1 parameter:
  5. Note that, in this case, the parameter I’m interested in is a SQL statement. This parameter will be placed within the URL and can be different from what’s specified here. In this case, I’m going to change it to be the following:
    select  [quote0].*  from  FilteredQuote as "quote0" WHERE QuoteNumber = '<quote_number>'
  6. Once you have your parameter, you will need to URL encode it:
  7. You can now build the URL (note you’ll need to change the crm_instance_name below):
  8. If you want the Report Manager to output in PDF, simply append the following to the end of the above URL:

    Good luck!