NSURL Failed With Error NSURLErrorDomain “bad URL”

I got the following error when trying to connect to my web service using NSURL: Failed with error: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1000 “bad URL” My URL was a GET request and so had several parameters in it. At first, I tried to URL encode the spaces manually using %20 (you’ll have to use …

CSS Matrix3d Z coordinate and Chrome Issue

I was playing around with Wink Toolkit’s Tag Cloud control and came across an interesting issue with Chrome and the CSS3 matrix3d transform function. In order for the z coordinate to work properly in the matrix3d parameters, you’ll need to set the parent element’s -webkit-transform-style property to preserve-3d. The following example …

Find an Element’s Position Using Javascript

I went through quite a few Google searches trying to figure this out. My problem was that I needed to get the coordinate of a touch event relative to the top left corner of an element. However, the TouchEvent object doesn’t have the offsetX or offsetY, which, in contrast, the MouseEvent …

Cross Domain Request Workarounds (Updated)

When trying to access your data tier, you [may] encounter the browser’s built in security feature that does not allow you to make XMLHttpRequest object requests to a different domain (see Same Origin Policy). UPDATE 10-24-2012: To get CORS working in IE8 and IE9, use XDomainRequest using the object’s onload …