How to Specify a Filename For Your Exported Reports in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

As you probably already know, there’s no built-in way to specify the filename of a report you want to export to PDF, Excel, Word, etc. Then a colleague pointed me to this article.  First off, the code for the below solution can be downloaded here. This one took a while …

Search For Specific Files Containing Specific Text in Linux

Here’s a cool technique I learned from a colleague during my development at work.  It basically gets a list of files from find and for each <filename>.<extension> found, searches for <search string>. You also have to option to include (exclude?) an <exclude path>. Syntax: find <start path> -name <filename>.<extension> -exec grep -li …

Detect Browser, Platform, and Touch Capability Using Javascript

Here’s a method of detecting which browser you’re using and whether you’re on a mobile or desktop platform: <script type=”text/javascript”>   <!–   var userAgent = navigator.userAgent || window.navigator.userAgent;   var nav = navigator || window.navigator;   var isDesktop = nav[‘platform’].match(/(Mac|Win|Linux)/) && !userAgent.match(/Android/);   if (isDesktop) {     alert(“You’re on a Desktop!”);   };   –> </script> Need …