MSSQL 2005 Dynamic PIVOT

Here’s a method of generating a dynamic pivot of a dataset. It first generates the columns as a string (“[ColumnHeader0],[ColumnHeader1],[ColumnHeader2], …” format), builds a dynamic SQL string and executes it using the PIVOT expression. From the code below, the @cols variable is generated by using the FOR XML PATH expression. …

iOS6 Removed Mouse Events in Safari/UIWebView? (Updated)

UPDATE 10-08-2012: Here’s a blog entry on how to determine if the device you’re on has touchevents enabled. Note that most Javascript libraries/frameworks should already have some sort of detection for this built in. My demo for using’s SpinningWheel control stopped working on iOS6. The issue was that I …

Dynamically Load Javascript Files Using XHR

It probably won’t be often, but sometimes you may find yourself having the need to load Javascript dynamically using XHR.   To name a few use cases: Developing a plugin architecture for an HTML5 application. In order to extend your application’s functionality. Load certain Javascript depending the browser environment. A …

CSS3 Image Reflections

Kind of a cool effect. Here’s an example: To get the image reflect on the bottom, I used the following CSS: -webkit-box-reflect: below 5px -webkit-gradient( linear, left top, left bottom, from(transparent), color-stop(0.75, transparent), to(rgba(255,255,255,0.3)) ); Here’s some other options: Basic -webkit-box-reflect: below; Offset -webkit-box-reflect: below 5px; Masking with Gradient -webkit-box-reflect: …

NSURL Failed With Error NSURLErrorDomain “bad URL”

I got the following error when trying to connect to my web service using NSURL: Failed with error: Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1000 “bad URL” My URL was a GET request and so had several parameters in it. At first, I tried to URL encode the spaces manually using %20 (you’ll have to use …

CSS Matrix3d Z coordinate and Chrome Issue

I was playing around with Wink Toolkit’s Tag Cloud control and came across an interesting issue with Chrome and the CSS3 matrix3d transform function. In order for the z coordinate to work properly in the matrix3d parameters, you’ll need to set the parent element’s -webkit-transform-style property to preserve-3d. The following example …