Airport Extreme: Using the Guest Wifi With Bridge Mode

This article did the trick: If happen to have an unmanaged “smart” switch (such as the NETGEAR GS108) between your Airport Extreme and your firewall, you should only need to config the VLAN on the firewall and your unmanaged “smart” switch should pass those frames with no problem.

How to Change the Icon of an Apple Script Application

If you have an Apple Script that you’ve saved as an application, here’s a way to change the icon for it. The process is straightforward and mainly involves copy/paste. Create an icon in any format. For best results, make sure it’s a square image. Go to and download the .icns file …

Show Hidden Files in Mountain Lion

This should be an option that’s available through the Finder preferences, but it’s not. Odd. Anyway, here’s how to do it. Open up a shell and run the following command: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles YES To undo: defaults write AppleShowAllFiles NO To check to see if the option is …