Airport Extreme: Using the Guest Wifi With Bridge Mode
This article did the trick: If happen to have an unmanaged "smart" switch (such as the NETGEAR GS108) between your Airport Extreme and your firewall, you should only need to config the VLAN on the firewall and your unmanaged "smart"...
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How to Change the Icon of an Apple Script Application
If you have an Apple Script that you've saved as an application, here's a way to change the icon for it. The process is straightforward and mainly involves copy/paste. Create an icon in any format. For best results, make sure it's...
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How to Run Microsoft Money on a Mac
Wine is a great tool to run Windows applications and setup is fairly easy on a Mac. These instructions could actually apply to any Windows application. Install Homebrew: Install wine prerequisites. Open up a terminal and run the following:...
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Airport Extreme: Using the Guest Wifi With Bridge Mode
This article did the trick: If happen to have an unmanaged "smart" switch (such as...
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How to Change the Icon of an Apple Script Application
If you have an Apple Script that you've saved as an application, here's a way to...
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How to Run Microsoft Money on a Mac
Wine is a great tool to run Windows applications and setup is fairly easy on...
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How to Configure AnyTerm Web-based SSH on Ubuntu
Anyterm provides a web-based SSH interface that would allow you to, for example, access your...
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Raspberry Pi: Connecting the PS3 Keypad Over Bluetooth
If you’re interested in connecting the PS3 Keypad to your Raspberry Pi, I’ve found a...
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Settings Not Saving on a Bitnami Stack on Reboot?
This was happening to my Gitlab instance. What happens is that the Bitnami stack reconfigures...
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CSS3 Bullets

If you want bullets other than the regular ones provided by HTML, you could implement bullets based off of images. However, let’s say you decide to change your website’s color scheme. In this case, you would need to re-edit the image. I like using CSS because there’s a lot you …

Re-trigger a Backbone.js Route

Routes are an easy way to link URLs to execute specific Javascript code. This could be useful, for example, for defining specific tasks for your app: In the above example, you could have the route show-so-details map to a specific javascript function in your code that would show more …

XLink Property in SVG textPath Nodes

Ran into a problem today with attempting to manipulate textPath SVG elements within the DOM. Consider the following, where the variable svg is an SVG element in your DOM: var g = document.createElementNS(“”, “g”); var label_container = document.createElementNS(“”, “text”); var label = document.createElementNS(“”, “textPath”); label.setAttributeNS(“”, ‘xlink:href’, ‘#some-path’); label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(“Hello, World!”)); label_container.appendChild(label); …